If life doesn't offer a game worth playing, then invent a new one.”

The Milkman

CRank: 6Score: 27160

I knew it I just knew it. From the beggining I knew MS has cards waiting up there sleeves I said this alot and I'm sure alot of othere people knew also. Im sure they will have more specials that there not going to shout out until later console releases. Now Im not putting down the othere consoles because Sony and Nintendo probably got some cards up there sleeves also.

Now it is the best to keep things as silent as possible because you see Sony has been snatching some ideas and coul...

6466d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But Im just a little worried right now. Will I realy want to interact with the games like that everyday once its in my? I mean every now and then I get an urge to want to play interactive games but maybe hours of play because could give your arm a tire which I have experienced from Totem Poll in Xbox LIVE arcade. I dont maybe it will be a little more relaxing than I think.

6467d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...... Sarcastic.

I think the Oblivion on the PS3 will give a good sell. I mean the actually got in to fix all the bugs. But that would suck if the took out the duplicate bug I had fun with that. I actually still play Oblivion sometimes on my 360 after I already have beaten it. I have to say that has to be one of the best titles the Xbox 360 had but the othere title coming out are going to be big hits to. I mean its like going on a roller coaster you start of going slow and then al...

6469d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean the game isnt very cool to me yet because all we have seen is a cutscene, I want to see what it looks like in words of gameplay. But I like alot of Rockstars games so it could be cool.

6469d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are going to run into some assholes on any live service. Its like a team without a coach theres no one realy to keep a eye on them, and keep them in order. I'm realy used to it though after playing Halo 2 for so long and othere Xbox LIVE games. Now if I dont I want to play with those people anymore I go under "do not prefer this player" and it takes the chances of me matching up with this person down. But the modding part is something that has pissed me off the most and it was m...

6469d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This better not have already been posted lol. Cause it is kind of old but I just so... BLAH!

6469d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well its not a success story yet but its a big step. This is just a suggestion but maybe they should have waited for a while to get the big name titles before releaseing it in Japan. Because launching that early might have made it look like a failure to Japanese.

6469d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What probably got there interest is hearing that more Japanese developers where going to be working on titles for the Xbox 360. Now I mean thats not the biggest number but thats a huge jump. Great job, although the Nintendo Wii and PS3 will sell more at launch over there but progress is always good.

6469d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Duke Nukem 64 was the funnest even though it wasnt the one with the best graphics but awesome multiplayer levels.

6469d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man only if I cared about the looks of my 360 that much. I would be showing it off as much as I could if I payed that much money for just a faceplate. But I dont know how much those crystals are worth a piece to realy know if its a good offer.

6469d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually risk are a good thing the biggest industrys do it. Nintendo has tooken a risk in changing the way games are played by making interaction a primary in the console.

6470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who are you Ms. Cleo? The big runner that decides what console will have the best game? No I dont think so, I just have some advice for you leave that to the gamers and trust me if they see something they like they will buy it. So they dont need you yelling PS3 is the best. This year the Xbox 360 has shown the most promising games but it will most likely equal out down the road.

6470d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You know I realy do hate to act as a fanboy and its just frusterating. But I the fanboys realy make me this way I'm realy used to being a Multi-platform person. But to see people announce that oh this console is the best realy head aches me.

Why cant anyone understand that all the consoles are powerful in there own way and the will all change gaming. If every fanboy could say that it would be awesome although I dont see that happening.

Yes the PS3 does not look like th...

6470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dang that sucks look like I'll be moving to Seatle then lol.

6470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played it for the ps2 and it was nothing compared to Silent Hill and also it got a bad rating I believe. But I think there could be like another Silent Hill for the PS3 first most likely which when I start to see games like that for the PS3 i will be getting one.

6470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea man I'm trying lol I havent been using this site much >.< But I checked in to it more and I love the design. I wish we could get some face expressions on here though.

Anyway 3rd time is a charm I'll look for more recent news and be more careful.

6470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is good news for both consoles actually because you can see here that both consoles can actually support the same power but in different ways useing there own strong points within the console.

6470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No splinter Cell Double Agent is exclusive.

6470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The graphics arent impessive at all compared to oblivion from the looks of these screen shots. But maybe it still packs some good play.

6470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry I can tell you that Xbox 360 has the best developer support for it this year. I can tell you that because here in America and Europe and othere countries with the same interest in games can see that most of the biggest games are to come to the Xbox 360.

Japanese just like different kinds of games as I might see there games as ignorant they love it and probably think the same about the games I love, which I have no problem with what they enjoy. They rather throw hamsters, cook...

6470d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment